Train carriages - getting the detail right
I have found myself researching many aspects of 1950s life over the past five years. I am extremely happy to have my nice 21st century life, but I do admit to a twinge of jealousy when I researched train travel on the LMS line. David Jenkinson and RJ Essery's An illustrated history of L.M.S. coaches, 1923-1957 was extremely useful. And look at that seating! It's like a sofa on a train.
For Cold Crash, I needed to know about sleeping compartments as well as regular coaches. Max has an adventure on the night train to Scotland, and one element I really wanted to get right was the way the door opened. Again, Jenkinson and Essery were very handy.
However, I did decide to add a dining car to the Oban to London train, although according to the timetable, one did not exist. I wanted to add natural pauses to a difficult conversation between characters, and a meal provides a great opportunity to do this.